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How to Own Your Masculinity Today
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How to Own Your Masculinity Today
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How to Own Your Masculinity Today

From Boyhood to Manhood: How to Own Your Masculinity

Seemingly since the dawn of time, a rigid understanding of what “being a man” looks like has been passed down from generation to generation of men on a global scale.

And while cultural differences, religious norms, and geography play a role in shaping the specifics, there’s been a generalized — and growingly outdated — consensus for what stepping into one’s manhood looks like worldwide: Physical strength, being a protector, being a leader, not showing emotions.

According to Lorrae Bradbury, sex, love and empowerment coach, masculinity used to be defined by exaggerated qualities of stoicism and power, where being less emotional and more aggressive was seen as a sign of strength.

But embracing manhood in 2024 looks like a much different journey than the one taken by legions of boys in 1924.

“One hundred years ago in the United States, a man was defined as somebody who was the head of his household and supported a woman financially,” said Suzannah Weiss, sexologist at BedBible. “Men were also seen as being more competent and powerful in the realms of work, scholarship, politics, and religion. Today, we still have these ideas, but the categories are looser. A man is still usually seen as the breadwinner within a family, but there is more room for alternative arrangements.”

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With the changing norms and changing expectations of how a man should show up in the world, going from being a “boy” to “man” today has hallmarks of the ageless, timeless journey, but with modernized twists that demonstrate an evolved sense of masculinity.

“As the definition of manhood has evolved in the past decades, it requires men to take on new roles, show up for their partners and learn new skills to navigate emotional, social, and relational communication that weren’t expected in the past,” Bradbury said. “Becoming a man means truly showing up to build for the future ahead, and to create a well-rounded, stable life for themselves and their family, if they choose to have one.”

The transition from boyhood to manhood starts with an internal realization of self-responsibility. When coming of age, a boy has the opportunity to answer the call of maturation or run from it.

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“Transitioning from a boy to a man requires taking responsibility and ownership of oneself, one’s life, and their choices,” Bradbury said. “Old ‘boys will be boys’ mentalities no longer cut it in the adult world and can lead to immaturity at best — and harm to others at worst — as boys turn into teens and adults.”

To run from manhood is to turn one’s back on evolution. It’s like the caterpillar running away from the cocoon that creates the butterfly. It’s against our nature. Which is why those who are older and still have yet to take the journey might resist it harder. Who wants to “grow up” if they don’t have to?

And yet there is a lot of value to be gained from growing up into a confident, emotionally healthy man that others can look up to and rely on. Here we take an updated look at what stepping into — and owning — your masculinity looks like today:

5 Facets of Owning Your Masculinity in a Modern Way

1. Taking Accountability

The first step to owning your masculinity is to acknowledge it. No one can do it for you, it's something an individual needs to embrace on his own. Once he commits to the journey, the following steps become easier. But the first act of being accountable to yourself and answering the call to evolve is huge.

“Being true to your word — integrity and honor — is a thread of manhood throughout many different cultures,” said Jor-El Caraballo, therapist and co-founder of Viva. “Inherent in that is an expectation that manhood — and healthy adulthood — means accepting that each person is the master of his own fate and has to learn to accept the consequences of his choices and learn from his mistakes. This accountability helps men understand the impact of their choices — not only on themselves — but on the people around them as well.”

In this way, accountability is the shift from the boyhood mindset of “just me” to the inclusive mindset of “the other” and how one’s actions can impact others beyond himself.

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“One of the key markers of adulthood is taking responsibility for one's actions,” Caraballo says. “Accountability for one's own behaviors — both good and bad — is one way that a lot of us explore manhood.”

No longer is deflection or projection — or winning an argument over whose “fault” something is — seen as the barometer of being a man. Rather today, stepping into masculinity means acceptance, admitting faults when necessary, and working toward genuine compromise

2. Maturing Emotionally

After answering the call to adventure from boy to man (which can happen at any age if the journey still has yet to happen), the next task is to harness the power of your emotions and move from the boyish emotional reactivity to the more “manly” emotional responsiveness.

A boy simply reacts to whatever he’s feeling internally, whereas, a man pauses to process what he’s feeling and experiencing on the inside and then chooses to take an informed action that’s coming from a place of internal clarity.

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“Holding men accountable for their actions is vital for creating a world where women can feel safe, and where other men and non-binary people can feel safe as well,” Weiss said. “It doesn't matter if some men have difficulty with impulse control or emotional regulation; it's on them to work through those difficulties.”

No longer is being the loudest voice in the room or acting aggressively or being intimidating seen as a defining quality of masculinity. Today, being a “man” is to actively listen, practice the art of patience, and to ground oneself in compassion when the inner boyhood reactivity would rather lash out.

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3. Nourishing Your Mind

By getting in touch with your inner world, you’re shifting out of “boyhood” consciousness and into “manhood” consciousness. From there, the path to stepping into your masculinity accelerates.

When you’re navigating the world from a place of authenticity and emotional maturity, you’re aligning yourself with internal clarity that’s a product of your mind and heart working harmoniously to guide you on a path of spiritual development. For the journey of owning your masculinity has always been a spiritual one. It’s how that journey has revealed itself that has changed over time.

“Moving into manhood also means being more self-directive in your goals and aspirations,” Caraballo said. “This is generally a good thing, but combined with the cultural pressure for men to always know everything, it can keep men from getting the help and guidance they need to make the right choices in their lives. Making this process easier means trying to lean on more experienced friends, or a few trusted elders, for guidance and support as you figure out your own life path.”

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No longer is being right all the time seen as a defining quality of masculinity. Today, being a “man” is to listen to the wisdom of your internal compass while also peacefully embracing other outside perspectives, especially if they differ from your own. It’s measuring your masculinity not by how many books you can read in a month or by how high your IQ is — rather, it’s being attuned to the difference between the ego and the higher self and knowing that true wisdom resides within you, not somewhere outside yourself.

4. Taking Care of Your Body

In terms of the self, the extent of one’s manliness has long been defined by his physical characteristics.

The bigger one’s muscles, the more of a “man” he’s supposed to be. Or was supposed to be. While a strong physique and ripped abs might be attractive, it’s a relatively surface-level attribute that does not translate to true masculinity. We’ve all known a buddy with big biceps and an immature personality.

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No longer is the size of one’s physique the defining characteristic of masculinity. While physical strength is important, how one uses that strength says more about who he is as a person and if he’s indeed existing in manhood or is stuck in boyhood.

A boy will use his physical strength to bully, whereas a man will use his physical strength with discernment: To be of service to others, to protect, to feel whole within his skin. The embodiment of true masculinity acknowledges the responsibility one has over controlling their physical actions, and consciously choosing to align those actions with his highest self.

5. Opening Your Heart

Often overlooked or discredited as it pertains to stepping into one’s masculinity is the power of the heart. For centuries, we’ve been told a narrative that showing or displaying emotions as a man — other than anger and rage — is “weak.” Nothing could be further from the truth today.

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Today, to step into your manhood is to open your heart and love yourself fully — arguably one of the greatest acts of strength a man can demonstrate. Self-love is the oxygen mask you put on first if the plane is in danger. You can’t help others without first putting on your O2 mask, and you can’t fully love another until you fully love yourself.

Stepping into your manhood today means leaning into the strength of your heart. It doesn’t mean letting your emotions and feelings consume you, but it does mean allowing yourself to live with an open heart so that your emotions and feelings can flow through you.

No longer is bottling up your emotions and not communicating your feelings the definition of manhood. Rather, taking ownership of your emotions and communicating them in a kind manner is a great act of courage and a true example of masculinity today.

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Understanding Today’s Masculinity

While the path from boyhood to manhood remains a journey taken by many across several eons of time, it’s a journey that’s evolved to embrace a wider, “healthier” view of the totality of man.

“Modern views of masculinity take a more grounded and open dynamic, where strength is often seen through a more self-assured, confident approach,” Bradbury said. “It’s an approach that can hold space for emotion and garners respect through level-headed, sound decision-making, rather than more aggressive displays of power.”

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But it’s a different kind of approach to the journey that’s not without its challenges.

“Generations past haven’t passed down those skills as easily to men as they have socialized women to fill those roles,” Bradbury said. “Yet, there are many resources out there from therapy and self-help books to social media thought-leaders educating on the communication and self-actualization tools required to show up in the world, in life, and in partnership in a strong, embodied way to develop those skills for the future.”

Caraballo believes that many more men are getting necessary professional support for mental health — such as therapy — and are learning to be better partners and communicators.

“This is a new kind of contemporary masculinity that blends more conventional perspectives with a more inclusive understanding of gender identity and themes around power and equity in relationships,” says Caraballo. “Our current conversations around gender force more intentional exploration of what masculinity is and isn't, and the need for men to be conscious of our behavior and the ways that even ‘good men’ have internalized sexist beliefs and practices.”

For Weiss, one skill many people need to learn when they transition from boyhood to manhood is how to be capable and trustworthy sexual partners.

“Unfortunately, sex education does not talk very much about this,” she said. “Consent is usually part of sex education, but it does not go into it in depth. I recommend people seeking education on how to be great sexual partners read books like The Guide to Getting It On, She Comes First, Becoming Cliterate, or Yes Means Yes. I also recommend discussing these topics with a therapist, coach, educator, or mentor. Especially for men who sleep with women — but also for anyone — it is vital to learn how to be attuned to a sexual partner and behave in a way that they'll feel comfortable.”

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“Men may especially feel ashamed of their sexuality because they know it has the power to harm,” she continues. “But it also has the power to heal. We need to uplift men — and inspire them to uplift their partners — by making sure they know they have a vital role in making the world a safer and more comfortable place for women and for everyone, and they do have it within them to do that. There is nothing wrong with their sexuality. It is beautiful, and they simply need to learn how to harness their power and use it for good.”

If we embrace the current trajectory of manhood evolution, we’ll be positioning the definition of manhood to encompass a much grander view of what makes a man “a man” for generations to come.

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